With summer and warm weather fast approaching, and most Americans spending time at home due to the Covid-19 pandemic, it seems that homeowners may want to start investing in the outdoor living areas of their homes. Projected growth in some outdoor recreational equipment is trending upward with projected sales for outdoor furniture and grills in particular gaining momentum right now. With this projection, it makes sense that we may also see an uptick in other outdoor living space projects brought on by homeowners wanting to find a way to relax at home this summer.
That’s why we’ve captured the latest trends in outdoor living spaces for you here; so that homeowners and home buyers can learn more about what choices may be available to them, and so that contractors and builders can make better suggestions to their clients. Outdoor living areas have become increasingly popular for the last few years. Combined with more people planning to spend their summers at home, these outdoor living trends could be poised to kick into high gear.
Outdoor Living Space Trends
Fixr reached out to some of the top experts in the construction industry for their Single Family Homes Trends Report for 2020, and there was a lot of information surrounding the trend of outdoor living within the answers, particularly where it’s likely to head in 2020 and beyond. Any of the following can help you not only make the most of your outdoor space this summer, they can also help you increase the value of your home.
Building Outdoor Kitchens is a Top Investment

When it comes to the areas of the outdoor living space that most people will be investing in, it’s the outdoor kitchen that gets the highest percentage of votes. Outdoor kitchens are not new, but with more people wanting to spend time outdoors, it makes sense that this type of feature would be added.
The indoor kitchen is often considered the hub or heart of the home. It’s where people gather and entertain as well as cook and eat. By adding an outdoor kitchen, it opens up a lot of possibilities for outdoor recreation. Outdoor kitchens frequently contain some type of cooking method, including grills, as well as seating areas and usually some form of refrigeration as well. This means that you can spend longer outside, without needing to return indoors for food or meals. The popularity of outdoor kitchens extends to all areas as well, not just warm climates, which makes sense given the growing focus on outdoor living as a whole.
Outdoor Fireplaces are a Popular Focal Point

Experts were asked whether they felt that a fireplace would be the hottest new addition to the outdoors. While answers were mixed, many agreed that a fireplace could be a great way to anchor a space. Fire pits have long been popular, as well, but it could be that a fireplace is seen as a more permanent addition to the area, as well as a natural focus and gathering place that could help cement the outdoor living room as a part of the home.
Fire Pits and Entertainment Areas Top Amenities

When asked exactly what amenities homeowners wanted to see in their outdoor living spaces, experts felt that fire pits and entertainment areas would be the most popular, followed closely by cooking areas. This makes sense, given the popularity of the outdoor kitchen; entertainment and cooking are definitely part of this design by extension.
Fire pits are also an integral part of many entertainment areas. They give people a place to gather and relax, and unlike fireplaces, they can either be portable and movable, or they can accommodate people sitting on all sides. This opens up the idea of entertaining more people, rather than simply relaxing as a family.
When asked what their personal choices would be for outdoor living areas, many experts also agreed that amenities and things like outdoor kitchens topped their own personal lists. They also stressed that this area would have many of the comforts of the indoors, which also includes things like fireplaces, cooking, and recreation areas.
Married Couples with Kids the Most Likely to Invest

Experts overwhelmingly agreed that the most likely homeowners to invest in these types of projects would be married couples with kids, followed distantly by married couples without kids. Given that families may be more likely to need more space to spread out, it could be that having kids means needing to expand into the yard. Or, it could be that these types of homeowners may want to invest in things that can bring others to them; having an outdoor kitchen and entertainment area means that family and friends can gather at your place, rather than you needing to go to them.
Complete Your Ideal Outdoor Living Space This Summer
With most people planning to spend the summer at home, rather than traveling or gathering in groups, it makes sense that they may also want to indulge in some amenities to help make the time spent there more pleasant. If that’s the case, then taking a look at what the top trends are for outdoor living can help you determine where to invest in your own property. With a focus on cooking, entertainment, and amenities like fireplaces or fire pits, there are numerous projects to tackle. Get your ideal outdoor living space up and running this summer, and find more enjoyment out of staying safe at home.